Author Archives: meetthevances

First Haircut

The day finally came where the wispy curls became a bit to out of control and we took our little man to get his first haircut.



He did a great job, perhaps more preoccupied with his graham cracker than the lady cutting his hair.



12 Months

Being that this is my last “monthly” update post on Londyn’s first year, I thought I’d write another letter following the one that I wrote to him, when he was fondly called Baby V, about a month before he rocked my world.


My Dearest L,

Can a mamma even pinpoint all of the special things that have made this year oh so special? I’ve accomplished much easier tasks in my 29 years. However to put it simply, I think I love the way you make me stop and live more simply. You remind me that every moment is a game, a laugh or that there is always enough time for “chase me” especially if your bed time is a few short minutes away.

I think one my favorite times with you lately are our weekday evenings together. I love the way we’ve fallen into a routine. Shortly after we get home and play a bit it’s time for dinner. Mama whips up something quick and “talk” about the day or listen to music that makes your left arm dance. I know it’s time to get back to playing when you start throwing your dinner down at Stew! Dad arrives home around 6, which by then you are more than ready for some boy time. I tell you dada is home and you run to the garage door with a large grin and arms wide open. Oh how these moments make a mama’s heart grow ten sizes.

You’re always in such a happy mood- that’s never changed. Lately you think it’s pretty hilarious to make more new noises with your tongue. I don’t think I’ve laughed more as you’ve come even more into yourself playing with “words” and having whole conversations. “Mama”, “dada”, “wow” and “dog” are words you’ve mastered so far. Dada and dog are your latest favs, using mama when you need a big cozy hug.

You still have a love of water and music. One look anything with water makes you squeal and run towards its source. Even puddles on the street strike your fancy! And music! Boy knows how to let his body move to the beat. A jingle on a commercial even makes your body stop and move! Thank you for reminding me to “dance like no one is watching”. You’re pretty awesome at that.

You’re pretty much the busiest little man I’ve ever met probably logging many a mile each and everyday. I think you’ve sat down to “read” with me a handful of times. You’re always curious about the world around you favoring opening and closing of cupboards/doors, dumping out all of your toys over the living room floor, undoing all of the safety plugs, or chasing Stewart around the house. Getting you to sit for your monthly photos his month was pretty much impossible. I finally gave up trying to make you sit and let you be the silly-busy boy that you are.

It’s been a busy year. Full of many sleepless nights and days planned around your schedule. Lots of learning and mistakes made. Letting go and loving more.

Happy Birthday Londyn Wayne! You are one awesome little boy.



First Birthday


That my friends is the face of a boy who wondered why his mom and dad have been holding out on him in the sugar department.

Thankfully this man managed to stay away for his entire bday party, however, a busy mom and dad barely caught a picture to show for it!

We were extremely surprised and grateful for the large turn out on Sunday. Grandpa’s house was bursting at the seams with a pile of gifts (overwhelmed at the generosity of everyone!), lots of family and friends, and a photo booth that proved it was a fun day. I believe my favorite moment was the crowded room singing happy birthday to my man. It literally made me misty eyed to hear everyone wish our boy a happy first birthday!


A Day at the Zoo


What does 6 bucks get you? Why a leaf of lettuce to feed a giraffe named Michael of coarse!

And although L won’t remember this day it was nice to continue to build memories with our family.


2012 in 12

I love looking back at photos from the past year to see how things have changed and how many great things have happened over the past year.

Being the first year as a mama has been the most amazing thing that has happened to me, my marriage and my family. This little monster of mine makes me smile every day! My iPhone is full, which means I’ve taken a bajillion and one photos. Perhaps a bit too many for some, but just enough for this lovesick mama.

And without further adeu….


January: my little glow worm entered the world in late December 2011 and knocked our socks off all month while we became accustomed to parenthood.


February: we feel into a groove with L, enjoying maternity leave time off by grabbing lunches during the day with dada.


March: our first “official” family photo at the Kite Festival in Zilker Park


April: mom heads back to work and we hire a nanny to come watch L during the day with her son, Zane.


May: I got to celebrate me first Mother’s Day on the Capitol Lawn. Dad and L let me sleep in (first time since Londyn was born) and gifted me a gold pendent with an “L” engraved.


June: L learns to sit on his own just in time for our family photos with a new, local photographer.


July: L takes his first plane ride to California to meet a bunch of family and friends!


August:We take L to his first birthday party to celebrate his friend, Quinn’s, birthday party. Just look at that little tub!!


: September Londyn meets black beans…love at first bite.


October : the holidays kick off and mom couldn’t be more excited for Halloween!


November: family comes to visit and I host my first Thanksgiving.


December: we visit home for the holidays and celebrate our little man’s first birthday, get spoiled with too many toys and enjoy a California Xmas.

Favorites from the Year:










Stopping In…

We’ve been in absolute love with this holiday season, full of family and friends and a spoiled little man named Londyn. I have a few updates to get to but in the meantime I’m dying over this photo from our Gladstone’s trip yesterday afternoon.


I mean if anything could get me to mod back here it lies in this shot.

hmmm.thinking about it.

Caption This

I took L to the library today to see of they had any good holiday board books. And while I was unlucky with said mission, I got a few photos that kinda sum up our short trip.


From left to right

1.ommmmgeeee Mom! Do you see that tree?!

2. I reallllllllly want that. Oh you’re not going to help me? Ill do it myself.

3. Come and get me


Just when I didn’t think this man would stop and sit to pay attention to book we had our own short story time tonight after walking through neighborhoods full of Christmas lights…


I think I got him with my awesome cat and dog impression. 😃


We took L to go see Santa last weekend. We unknowingly timed it just right, arriving 10 minutes before he was getting back from his break whichever us #5 in line.

What we didn’t plan for was the crazies or the fact that Jake didn’t bring his wallet and I had to run like mad to get mine that I left in the car. Needless to say it took us about an hour. Any longer I think Jake and I would have broken down and started to cry.

Not even joking.


That’s the only photo I got with my phone (I took videos but can’t figure out how to upload it). But of coarse we spent $ to get his photo. It’s nicely framed and sitting sweetly on our mantle. At least there were no tears by the little man. Lets be honest, he was more interested in the ornaments on the Christmas tree beside Santa.

$19.99 well spent.

I’m looking forward to adding a new Santa picture to our mantle every year.

Eleven Months, 11 Things


1. You truly L-O-V-E music! Anytime you hear a good beat (preferably some Raffi, Kidz Bop or now a few fun Xmas songs) you break out your right arm and start the dance party. Then you get your legs going and sometimes even put in a little head action. No coordination in the slightest but so darn cute! Your excited look almost does me in just the same. I can see your eyes screaming, “can you hear that? Lets go!”.

2. You have a thing for cheese. We just started giving you this this month and boy have you felt like you’ve been missing out. Boy after your Mona’s heart.

3. You’ve figured out that Stew can be a whole lot of fun sometimes. Although Stewart isn’t necessarily amused, he doesn’t seem to mind the fact that you drop some food down below your high chair to see if he can “find it” or when you give him toys to play with (sometimes your own). You giggle and squeal when he part takes in your little game, demanding he do it again and again.

3. We tried taking you on your first “race” on Thanksgiving which ended up with Mom and Lizzie taking a “shortcut” through downtown in order to get you out of your stroller and on to some grass so you could run free like the little monster you are. I do have to say you made it to the 1 mile mark of the Turkey Trot along with the extra mile we had to walk back so it wasn’t a compete wash. Next year mama will just register you for the family one-mile walk and call it even.

4. You’re learning to say, “bye-bye” and blow kisses thanks to your amazing Kristy. Although not always on cue, you’re getting it! You love her as equally as she loves you, running up to her with your arms wide open nestling your head into the crook of her neck. Happy that you are so happy when mom and dad are away.

5. You had your first Thanksgiving this month part taking in some salmon (you ate it!) and a few veggies. After a quick bite (always a man on the go as you see) you couldn’t be happier to get out of your hight chair playing beneath the table, crawling between our legs and giggling.

6. Your affinity for household cleaning supplies never ceases to amaze me. You can race into the laundry room like nobody’s business honing in on the vacuum and broom. Again a squeal of delight lifts across your face as you show us your treasures. What else can I say about this one? Not quite sure what draws you to these things but I’m hoping that one day you’ll help mommy clean the house without a stink face like most kids do.

7. Now that the weather is cooler we decided to give shoes a try. At first you were quite clumsy, lifting of your confused feet one by one. Every 10 steps included quite a few falls but who van blame you! You got the hang of it after a short while and stopped complaining when it was time to get your shoes on. I think most of the complaining was due to the fact that I made you stop and sit for a minute more than anything else.

8. Which brings us to #8. You have 2 buttons (don’t most kids?), “OFF” and “ON”. It’s go, go, go from the moment you wake up with that bug grin on your face until the moment it’s time to lay down for a nap or bedtime. I gotta say I think I finally learned the “Mommy Dance” with you and you have gotten the hang of keeping yourself entertained. Always watching you, even from a far, you are into everything!

9. Oh the curiosity has just begun, I can tell! As any boy would, you love exploring and are off on a new adventure each waking moment. The baby proof cupboard have gotten you fooled but that doesn’t mean you don’t try and pull them open each and everyday, wondering what happened that made them stop opening. Your curiosity has led you into questions about different textures too. I can see the furrowed brow or pancaked hands touching and playing with each new part of said object.

10. Did I mention you got your first ear infection? Ugh, this was the worst! Mom and Dad didn’t know if it was your teeth or not, making it last a lot longer than it could have. After a few days is sleepless nights we finally took you in to get checked and BOY oh BOY was that a lesson in mommy training for me- double ear infection! We should have known since you rarely complain about your teeth. Either way, once we got you antibiotics all was well (even a red tinged poop scare couldn’t stop you) and you couldn’t wait to play fast enough. I will have to say that I did enjoy the many snuggles and cuddling in bed together, something you rarely let mom and dad do.

11. And #11 is nothing new, it makes my heart melt so its worth sharing again. Dude, you literally LOVE life! More often than not, you wake up each day with a gigantic grin on your face, excited to get out of your crib and take on the day. You rarely whine and complain (have I just spoke myself from saying this?) which make us remember that life’s lesson is pretty simple: just be. You take things in stride, enjoying what’s ahead of you finding something entertaining in it all. As I write this I can actually hear you in your room, grunting and talking to yourself up much earlier than usually. But that’s the best part, you are just happy. And I love you for that (and yes so much more!) because you remind me not to worry about things. Just be.

…as bob once put it, “everything will be alright.”

And so it is.